minecctl minecproxy Developer David Härdeman minecctl 1 minecctl Interact with Minecraft servers minecctl OPTIONS COMMAND Description minecctl may be used to communicate with, and control, Minecraft servers. It can also be used to perform various checks on minecproxy server configuration files. Commands are usually performed on servers defined by corresponding configuration files in the minecproxy configuration directory, but server connection details can also be set manually to control servers which have no configuration files (see options , and below). Commands The following commands are understood: list List all known servers (i.e. servers with configuration files). lint Check the validity of all known server configuration files. status SERVER Show the current status of SERVER (or all known servers if SERVER is not specified). ping SERVER Check if SERVER is running (if SERVER is not specified, it must be defined via command line options, see options and below). stop SERVER Stop SERVER (if SERVER is not specified, it must be defined via command line options, see option below). Note that servers with active players will not be stopped unless forced (i.e. if option is used). stopall Similar to stop but stops all known servers (including any server specified using the option). Like stop, servers with active players will not be stopped unless option is used. pcount SERVER Get the current player count for SERVER using either the rcon or minecraft protocol (if SERVER is not specified, it must be defined via command line options, see options and below). console SERVER Provides an interactive rcon command line for SERVER (if SERVER is not specified, it must be defined via command line options, see option below). cmd SERVER CMD Send CMD to SERVER via the rcon protocol (if SERVER is not specified, it must be defined via command line options, see option below). Note that CMD will be interpreted as a single command, so e.g. minecctl cmd SERVER time set day will be interpreted as a single command. cmds SERVER CMDS Similar to cmd above, but allows multiple commands to be sent to the server. Use quotes to separate commands, e.g. minecctl cmds SERVER time set day say Enjoy the sun. SERVER CMD Shorthand for cmd SERVER CMD. SERVER Shorthand for console SERVER. Options The following options are understood: Use PASSWORD when connecting via rcon to a server. If not set, the password (if any) from the SERVER configuration file will be used. Use ADDRESS when connecting via rcon to a server. If not set, the address (if any) from the SERVER configuration file will be used. Use ADDRESS when connecting via the minecraft protocol to a server (only used for some commands such as pcount, status and ping). If not set, the address (if any) from the SERVER configuration file will be used. Look for SERVER configuration files in DIR instead of the default directory (/etc/minecproxy/). Normally minecctl will check the current player count and refuse to stop a server with active players. This option means that the given server(s) will be stopped even if there are active players. Output extra logging information. Output debugging information (implies ). Prints a list of valid options/commands and exits. See Also minecproxy1, minecproxy.conf5, minecproxy.mcserver5