# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 project('minecproxy', 'c', version: '0.1.0', license: 'GPL2', default_options : [ 'c_std=gnu18', 'sysconfdir=/etc', 'warning_level=2', 'b_lto=true', ] ) cc = meson.get_compiler('c') cc_flags = [ '-D_GNU_SOURCE', ] cc_warning_flags = [ '-Wno-sign-compare', # Lots of pointless warnings '-Werror=implicit-function-declaration', # A warning is too weak ] cc_flags += cc.get_supported_arguments(cc_warning_flags) cc_extra_flags = [ '-ffunction-sections', # Generate each function in a separate section '-fdata-sections', # Ditto for data ] cc_flags += cc.get_supported_arguments(cc_extra_flags) add_project_arguments(cc_flags, language: 'c') ld_flags = [] ld_extra_flags = [ '-Wl,-z,defs', # Detect and reject underlinking '-Wl,-z,now', # Disable lazy binding '-Wl,-z,relro', # Read-only segments after relocation '-Wl,--gc-sections', # Remove unused sections ] ld_flags += cc.get_supported_link_arguments(ld_extra_flags) add_project_link_arguments(ld_flags, language: 'c') sysconfdir = join_paths(get_option('prefix'), get_option('sysconfdir'), meson.project_name()) mainconfname = meson.project_name() + '.conf' conf = configuration_data() conf.set_quoted('VERSION', '@0@-@VCS_TAG@'.format(meson.project_version())) conf.set_quoted('DEFAULT_CFG_DIR', sysconfdir) conf.set_quoted('DEFAULT_MAIN_CFG_FILE', mainconfname) inc_config_h = include_directories('.') dep_config_h = declare_dependency( sources: vcs_tag( command: ['git', 'rev-parse', '--short', 'HEAD'], fallback: get_option('profile') != 'default' ? 'devel' : 'stable', input: configure_file ( output: 'config.h.in', input: 'config.h.in', configuration: conf ), output: 'config.h' ), include_directories : inc_config_h, ) subdir('shared') subdir('minecproxy') subdir('minecctl')